TENTH ANNIVERSARY Summorum Pontificum 14.9.2007 – 14.9.2017

Juventutem thanks Pope Benedict XVI for Summorum Pontificum, as well as all the bishops and priests who made the EF Mass more widely available, and the laity who supported it for the greater glory of God and the good of souls.

Juventutem was glad to partake in the Tenth Anniversary Celebrations organised in Rome for the occasion. As part of the celebrations, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah, gave an address.

We are grateful for the encouragements of Cardinal Sarah. They correspond to our aim since our beginning. From its inception in 2004, Juventutem has worked hard to share the riches of the traditional Latin Mass and spirituality with anyone interested. From the start we took risks and initiatives to work together with fellow Catholics and with diocesan bishops, at a time when few within the Church wished it to happen, and when others did not dare to hope for it.

Ten years after Summorum Pontificum however, its implementation remains patchy and many young adults and families still have great difficulties accessing EF Mass centres. It is a blessing that many capital cities now offer provision for EF Masses. But families, young adults and single adults as well aspire to more than the Mass. They wish all sacraments and sacramentals to be available according to the EF on an a day-to-day basis, in addition to spiritual direction, adult formation and catechism.

If anyone wishes to assess the dispositions of the new generation of Catholics attracted to the Usus Antiquior, we suggest they read the Report of the Juventutem Federation after World Youth Day in Krakow last year. The Report shows that these young adults and their clergy do not see themselves as part of a ghetto – unless by ghetto one simply means the Catholic Church at large, inasmuch as she is surrounded by a hostile world to which, with motherly zeal, she endeavours to bring the light of salvation.

The young adults and professionals part of Juventutem, or simply taking part in its events, are glad to be given the opportunity to share the riches of the Roman traditions of the Church, for our own sanctification and for the conversion of the world to Christ the only Saviour.
